What Happens if Someone Accidentally Walks on Solar Panels?


This question is part of the Super Big Solar Panel FAQ from Solar Mango, where expert answers to over 100 important questions on solar panels are provided.


Well, you know what, you do not need to accidentally walk on solar panels, you can even intentionally walk on solar panels, and nothing will happen, unless you are so, so super heavy.

Any good solar panel maker in fact will ask you to walk on their solar panels, if you point out the above concern to them. Good solar panels can take a much higher force on them than an accidental walk, so worry not.

By the way, high quality solar panels are put to a wide array of tests before they are put into the market.

They are tested for their ability to withstand high temperatures, biting frost, heavy storms, blowing sand and dense snow loads.

Super Big Solar Panel FAQGet to know answers to over 100 important questions on solar panels from here.


Some examples of tests of physical endurance that solar panels undergo:

Hail impact test – Replicates a natural hail storm by dropping a 1.1-pound, one-inch steel ball onto solar panels from a height of 5 m, repeated many time on different points of impacts.

Panel breakage test – Subjects panels to brutal impacts by heavy or hard objects to ensure stability and break-resistance. Occasionally hard objects fall onto roofs and these tests are conducted to ensure that roof-mounted solar panels will withstand these impacts.

Mechanical load test – Ensures panels withstand extreme weather conditions, including excessive wind pressure, wind suction and snow load. Alternating pressure and suction are applied using both static and dynamic forces.

Field installation and peel tests – Tests performance by exposing solar panels to real wind and weather conditions in varying climate zones—not just contrived laboratory conditions.. Peel tests confirm the superior reliability of sheet-to-glass and inter-sheet connections, which is a key contributor to the long lifespan of solar panels.

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4 thoughts on “What Happens if Someone Accidentally Walks on Solar Panels?

  1. Pingback: Super Big Solar Panel FAQ from Solar Mango - 100+ Questions on Solar Panels Answered - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  2. Pingback: Have there been Real Life Failures of Solar Panels within a Few Years after Installation? - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  3. Pingback: Can Solar Panels Withstand Hailstorms? - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  4. Pingback: What Happens if there are Bird Droppings on Solar Panels? - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

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