How Do I Know if My Solar Panels are Generating Maximum Possible Electricity?


This question is part of the Super Big Solar Panel FAQ from Solar Mango, where expert answers to over 100 important questions on solar panels are provided.


As an owner of solar power plant (be it on the rooftop or on a solar farm), you will be keen to know whether your solar panels are generating electricity commensurate with their potential. But alas, you are usually sitting far away from your solar panels. How do you get to benchmark your solar panels’ performance?

The best way to know whether your solar panels are generating enough electricity that they are capable of generating is to use high quality solar power plant monitoring systems.

These are software solutions that, through the intelligence that they get from the solar power plant and through the use of other environmental conditions such as DNI, can do the analytics for you and let you know if your solar panel is generating as much as it should generate.


Super Big Solar Panel FAQGet to know answers to over 100 important questions on solar panels from here.


These monitoring systems are also now sophisticated enough to send you alerts and highlights to your smart phone, so you get to know as soon as your solar panels are not doing good. A quick investigation could reveal the problem for under generation, so that you can take proper action.

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5 thoughts on “How Do I Know if My Solar Panels are Generating Maximum Possible Electricity?

  1. Pingback: Big Solar Panel FAQ - 100+ Questions on Solar Panels Answered - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  2. Pingback: Will a Solar Panel Really Last 25 Years? - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  3. Pingback: How Much Electricity Will Solar Panels Produce in a High Sunlight Region? - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  4. Pingback: Do Some Solar Panels Perform Better than Other in Low Sunlight? - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  5. Pingback: How Much Electricity Will Solar Panels Produce in a Moderate Sunlight Region? - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

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