What is the Price of Solar Panels in 2016?


This question is part of the Super Big Solar Panel FAQ from Solar Mango, where expert answers to over 100 important questions on solar panels are provided.


The price of solar panels in 2016 (as of Jul 2016) depends on where and which brand you are purchasing, and also the quantum of purchase.

Chinese panels, good quality, bought in bulk could cost the developer about 47 cents/W, while in smaller quantums could cost about 50 c/W.

Super Big Solar Panel FAQGet to know answers to over 100 important questions on solar panels from here.


Indian solar panels cost upwards of 55 c/W for large sizes (5 MW and higher), and close to 60 c/W for small sizes (a few kW).

If you are going for very high efficiency monocrystalline solar panels, you might have to shell out close to 80 c/W, especially for very premium panels with 21+% efficiency.

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4 thoughts on “What is the Price of Solar Panels in 2016?

  1. Pingback: Big Solar Panel FAQ - 100+ Questions on Solar Panels Answered - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

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