What are the different kinds of solar EPCs?

Based on the installation type, EPCs can be categorized into rooftop or ground-mounted EPCs. Let’s take a look at the number and sizes at which they typically operate.

  • Rooftop solar EPCs can be operate in residential installations (1–25 KW), or commercial and industrial installations (25 kW to >100 kW).
  • In the residential rooftop space, there are a number of small EPC, who, in most of the cases, have no wide-reaching brand. Solar mango estimates more than 500 such EPCs operate in India. These EPCs’ work is generally focused locally, e.g. in Delhi/NCR, and they develop a good a good network locally that helps them to acquire more customers through testimonials and at-hand case studies.
  • In the commercial and industrial installations, you have EPCs with well-known brand names. The EPCs can operate in one or more of the following size categories: small (25–50 kW), medium (50–100 kW), and large (>100 kW).
  • Ground-mounted solar EPCs: According to Solar Mango estimates, there are around 150 EPCs that work in this space.

Apart from the above, there are some players who specialize in specific functions as part of their EPC offering. Some of them include the following.

  • A number of small EPCs take work sub-contracted by larger EPCs. For e.g. L&T works on many utility scale (ground-mounted) by sub-contracting a large part of the installation process to sub-contractors.
  • There are design firms that are focused purely on solar plant design, and do it a lot better than general EPCs.
  • Other solar “EPCs” don’t take any of traditional responsibilities of an engineering, procurement and construction firm, and instead focus purely on O&M, or the civil engineering part of putting up a solar plant.

You might want to check out these questions too on Basic of Solar EPCs

  • What are the roles and responsibilities of a solar EPC? – Here
  • How many EPCs are there in India? – Here
  • Solar EPC in India – Roles, Value Chain, Companies, Cost – Here
  • Solar EPC Contracts – Terms & Conditions, Formats – Here
  • What is the need for choosing the right EPC? – Here
  • What could be some of the consequences of going for a poor quality solar EPC? – Here
  • Should I go for a small EPC or a large EPC? – Here
  • What are the critical characteristics of an EPC I should be most concerned about? – Here

6 thoughts on “What are the different kinds of solar EPCs?

  1. Pingback: Super Big FAQ on Solar EPC Selection - from Solar Mango - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  2. Pingback: What are the roles and responsibilities of a solar EPC? - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  3. Pingback: How many EPCs are there in India? - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  4. Pingback: What is the need for choosing the right EPC? - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  5. Pingback: What could be some of the consequences of going for a poor quality solar EPC? - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  6. Pingback: Should I go for a small EPC or a large EPC? - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

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