Should I go for a small EPC or a large EPC?

The kind of EPC you choose depends on the size of the solar plant you plan to put up.

Let us assume the developer wants to set up a 1 MW solar plant.

Typically, larger EPCs focus on large solar projects (5 MW and above). They are less keen on getting involved in smaller projects and even if they do, they charge a premium. This doesn’t go well with most customers who are cost conscious.

On the other hand, smaller EPCs who focus on residential and small C&I rooftop solar plants may not have the resources to complete a 1 MW solar plant.

So, the sweet spot for the developer is EPCs who specialize in 1-5 MW solar plants. They offer the expertise as well as the matching cost expectations of the customer. Moreover, unlike large EPCs, they are able to offer a higher degree of flexibility by catering to specific requirements (probably some customizable features) of the customer.

You might want to check out these questions too on Basics of Solar EPCs

  • What are the different kinds of solar EPCs? – Here
  • What are the roles and responsibilities of a solar EPC? – Here
  • How many EPCs are there in India? – Here
  • Solar EPC in India – Roles, Value Chain, Companies, Cost – Here
  • Solar EPC Contracts – Terms & Conditions, Formats – Here
  • What is the need for choosing the right EPC? – Here
  • What could be some of the consequences of going for a poor quality solar EPC? – Here
  • What are the critical characteristics of an EPC I should be most concerned about? – Here

5 thoughts on “Should I go for a small EPC or a large EPC?

  1. Pingback: Super Big FAQ on Solar EPC Selection - from Solar Mango - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  2. Pingback: What are the different kinds of solar EPCs? - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  3. Pingback: How many EPCs are there in India? - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  4. Pingback: What is the need for choosing the right EPC? - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  5. Pingback: What could be some of the consequences of going for a poor quality solar EPC? - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

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