Odisha Village Baripatha is 100% Solar Powered

Here’s an interesting news item on how distributed solar power is helping an Odisha village Baripatha gain power security.

Sure, we keep hearing about the use of solar in villages, but in most cases, it is either about some lanterns or other off-grid solar products being distributed. This case seems to be a bit different, with the entire village electrified using solar.

What could also ensure that solar provides power  more sustainably in this village (something it has not in quite a few other cases) is the overall perspective:

“Many solar projects elsewhere in the country have floundered and failed but Baripatha is different. Its model is low-cost, low-maintenance and community-owned – elements that are missing in other solar-powered projects.”Also: “”…in all rural solar projects, central units would supply power to households. Often, the exposed cables would be tapped by some, while others would draw more than their shares. This would cause the central unit to overload and trip”…

Now, it is too early to sing the success of Baripatha, but who wouldn’t like it to succeed?

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