How Choosing High Quality Components will Make a High Impact for Indian Solar Sector

As India races towards an aspirational 100 GW of solar power, there are some serious challenges that lie in the way.

One of the key challenges is the growth of the distributed or the rooftop solar sector.

While the government wants this sector to contribute 40 GW of the 100, the sector is growing way too slowly right now to reach that huge figure. End Mar 2016, the total rooftop solar installations in the country is hardly 550 MW, a far cry from the 40,000 MW targetted within the next 6 years.

While there are three or four key factors that lie in the way of the growth of the rooftop solar sector (Net Metering, Uncertain Subsidy Policy, Low Consumer Awareness etc), Solar Mango feels that ensuring high quality of installations will be one of the most important drivers for acceleration of rooftop solar in India.

Why is this so?

Currently, the rooftop solar sector is progressing in a fairly haphazard manner, with owners selecting rooftop solar power systems and the system integrators without any scientific evaluation. As a result, many of the early adopters might be ending up with less than good rooftop solar power plants, which could result in poor performance and user dissatisfaction. This could kick off a negative feedback loop, as the early adopters form a highly influential segment within any society.

A question naturally arises:

“Why are these folks not selecting the rooftop solar power plants in a scientific and organized manner?”

The answer is not hard to seek: Mainly because there is hardly any tool available online or offline that allows the common man without special expertise to evaluate the key solar power plant components – panels, inverters, mounting structures and cables.

In order to address this gap, Solar Mango has launched PV Savvy, an online tool that helps a non-expert to easily evaluate the solar power plant components in an easy and effective manner.

Using PV Savvy, it takes not more than 30 minutes to get a good grip on the quality of the panels or inverters that your system integrator is trying to sell you.

Do check out PV Savvy for yourself. And let me know what you think

PV Savvy @

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