Guidelines to Become a Successful EPC

Solar Mango suggests the following steps to become a successful Solar EPC:

  • Key strengths and assets required to succeed in the EPC Market:

Solar Mango has identified the key strengths and assets for an EPC to excel in the solar industry as follows:

Reputation/background of the company
Human Resources –  Build an in-house team with at least the following set of skills

  •      Project management
  •       Sales/marketing
  •       Engineering (electrical, PV design, civil)
Marketing Orientation of the company

  • Branding through effective marketing
Partnerships with high quality equipment vendors and logistics providers
Sales & Marketing Channels

  •  Marketing activities/partnerships that promote sales
  • Well-designed and regularly updated website and regular activity on social media platform
Assets for Efficient Operations

  •  Integration of IT solutions to reduce costs and improve productivity
  •  Offer O&M services under the same brand, either with own resources or through tie-ups with local O&M service providers
  •  Partnership with logistics providers to reduce procurement delays


  • Build differentiators that set you apart:

Solar Mango has identified the following differentiators that will help you become a successful EPC:

Customer Acquisition

  •   Identifying attractive niches to focus on, which have the potential to provide good scale and quick deal closing
  •   Using good customer acquisition software to acquire, manage and convert leads followed by providing extensive customer services leading up to final project execution
  •  Performing regular analytics of marketing activities to help reduce lead times
  •   Ensuring presence on social media platforms

  • Utilizing construction management software to maintain a transparent communication channel and reduce turnaround times
Premium and Margin

  • Ensuring partnerships with high quality equipment vendors
  •  Focus on niche segments –

o   off-site captive solar

o   specific commercial/industrial segments

o   solar city programmes

  • Effective branding methods

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