Solar – Australia

How Choosing High Quality Components will Make a High Impact for Indian Solar Sector

As India races towards an aspirational 100 GW of solar power, there are some serious challenges that lie in the way. One of the key challenges is the growth of the distributed or the rooftop solar sector. While the government wants…

How High Grid Network Charges are Driving Rooftop Solar Adoption in Australia

An over-investment in grid network has resulted in “network charges’ on Australian electricity bills being the highest in the world. But by charging these high prices, have the networks created conditions that will lead them to be undercut by new solar technologies? Jess…

Australian Rooftop Solar One of the Most Cost Effective, Says Report

Last I checked, rooftop solar in the US costs about $2.5-$3.5 per W – $2.5/W if it is a commercial rooftop and $3.5 if it is residential. For Australia, a Cleantechnical report states that the corresponding figures are $1.6-$1.76/W, which also states that…

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