Solar Cost

How low solar prices can go, asks Bloomberg New Energy Finance

Here is an interesting article/analysis by Vandana Gombar from Bloomberg New Energy Finance. In this article, she wonders how low solar prices can really go. And goes on to show that the Rs 4.63/kWh by SunEdison is not exactly an oddity. Interesting…

Installing a Rooftop Solar System – A User’s Perspective

Here’s a nice and detailed news report/perspective report on how a US resident went about installing a rooftop solar system on his house. What I like his taking time to detail each and every aspect of the technical, operational and…

How High Grid Network Charges are Driving Rooftop Solar Adoption in Australia

An over-investment in grid network has resulted in “network charges’ on Australian electricity bills being the highest in the world. But by charging these high prices, have the networks created conditions that will lead them to be undercut by new solar technologies? Jess…

Solar Cost Comparison Tool for the US Rooftop Solar Sector – SolarIQ

The web platform SolarIQ provides a useful cost comparison tool for the US residential solar market. By comparing actual sales costs of solar systems in your area, the tool shows you what you should be paying. They also make sure you know…

In Chile, Utility Solar Cheaper than Fossil Fuels – 6,5 cents/kWh vs. 8.5 cents/kWh

Solar and wind energy are lower cost than fossil fuels in Chile, reports Deutsche Bank, with solar the cheapest source of electricity generation. In an industry note, Deutsche Bank writes that in the country’s last tender round, held on October…

Is Rs 4.63/unit solar power price by SunEdison realistic and sustainable?

The recent bid by SunEdison of Rs 4.63/unit for the 500 MW solar PV block of Andhra Pradesh has set the market talking about how fast the cost of solar is coming down At the same time, those in the…

Australian Rooftop Solar One of the Most Cost Effective, Says Report

Last I checked, rooftop solar in the US costs about $2.5-$3.5 per W – $2.5/W if it is a commercial rooftop and $3.5 if it is residential. For Australia, a Cleantechnical report states that the corresponding figures are $1.6-$1.76/W, which also states that…

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