
Training Institutes and Reference Resources for EPCs

Training Institutes: Training Program/ Institute Website URL Global Sustainable Energy Solutions India (GSES) http://www.gses.in/ The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) http://www.teriin.org/ National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) http://nise.res.in/ Gujarat Energy Research and Management Institute (GERMI) http://www.germi.org/ Steinbeis Solar Research Centre…

Videos and Tutorials on Solar Energy

We have compiled below a list of videos for beginners in the Solar Energy domain: Description Link Why a Solar Panel is like your Wife?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn5uQ57MBKc Basics of Rooftop Solar Photovoltaics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umvd4183vZE The Power and Reach of Solar Energy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uPVZUTLAvA…

Solar Power Plant Evaluation – Can you retrofit additional components to an existing power plant to increase generation?

In most power plants, the main source of energy can be manipulated in order to increase the output generated from the plant. This logic is not applicable to wind and solar power plants, since energy from the sun or wind…

Solar Power Plant Evaluation – What are the O&M measures practised and the frequency of maintenance checks followed in the power plant?

The importance of O&M is often overlooked by many developers. Considering the fact that the plant has to generate returns over a period of 25 years, a good O&M contractor, a good monitoring system and above all, a very good…

Solar Power Plant Evaluation – Is there scope for expansion of the existing power plant, in terms of scale?

One may think that an additional revenue source for investment will do the trick for expansion options in a solar power plant. However, this is not true in most cases for solar power plants. You may have to face several…

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