Solar Mango Blog- India

How Choosing High Quality Components will Make a High Impact for Indian Solar Sector

As India races towards an aspirational 100 GW of solar power, there are some serious challenges that lie in the way.

One of the key challenges is the growth of the distributed or the rooftop solar sector.

While […]

Keen on Solar Business? Make Sure You Read This

The solar energy sector is one of the fastest growing industrial segments worldwide. This naturally makes many businesses and entrepreneurs keen to enter this sector.

But once they start taking their first steps into solar, they […]

Karnataka Farmer’s Solar Scheme – Solar Mango Assistance in Financing Avenues for Farmers & Investors

The Karnataka farmer’s scheme, which was launched in 2015, has been one of the most attractive schemes.

It provides Rs 8.4/kWh as the tariff, one of the highest in the country, and farmers holding land in Karnataka could […]

Don’t be Lakh Wise, Crore Foolish – Solar Mango’s Request to Solar Power Plant Developers

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OK, so you already know the stuff that’s presented above.

You have already read or heard about the fact that there are EPCs, and there are EPCs.

Given that it is well known that there […]

Captive Solar Power Plants Becoming popular with Indian Companies

I had earlier written a blog post Captive Solar Power Plant – Is it Good for My Company? that received quite a few queries and comments, with some of them saying it is a bit […]

Floating Solar Power Plant in a Dam in Wayanad, Kerala

The idea of floating solar power plants has been doing the rounds for a while.

A few years back, I had the opportunity to have a brief discussion with the founder of Ciel et Terre, Bernard Prouvost. At that […]

By |February 9th, 2016|Categories: Solar - India, Solar Inventions|Tags: , |4 Comments

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